Complete 15 Chapter Columbia Movie Serial Cliffhanger
Directed by: Wallace Fox.
Starring: John Hart, Rosemary La Planche, Claire James.
Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy, battles the evil Dr. Grood, who has placed a death ray aboard his spaceship orbiting Earth.
Contained in: Standard DVD Case.
Format: Either PAL or NTSC (depending on world location), Region 0 (Multi-Region/Worldwide).
Chapter List:
01. Mystery of the Cosmic Ray
02. The Far World
03. Island of Deception
04. Into the Chasm
05. The Space Ship
06. Tunnels of Treachery
07. Cavern of Chance
08. The Secret Room
09. Human Targets
10. Battle of the Warriors
11. Cosmic Annihilator
12. The Grotto of Greed
13. Wheels of Fate
14. Journey into Space
15. Retribution