Captain Video, Master of the Stratosphere (1951) Sci-Fi, Adventure (2 x DVD)
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Complete 15 Chapter Columbia Movie Serial Cliffhanger.
Directed by: Spencer Gordon Bennet, Wallace Grissell.
Starring: Judd Holdren, Larry Stewart, George Eldredge.
Judd Holdren, in what was only his second starring screen role, plays Captain Video, the leader of a group of crime-fighters known as the Video Rangers. He faces an interplanetary menace, as the evil dictator of the planet Atoma, Vultura (Gene Roth) and his lackey, the traitorous earth scientist Dr. Tobor (George Eldredge) are planning to conquer the earth.
Contained in: Standard DVD Case.
Format: Either PAL or NTSC (depending on world location), Region 0 (Multi-Region/Worldwide).
Chapter List:
01. Journey into Space
02. Menace of Atoma
03. Captain Video's Peril
04. Entombed in Ice
05. Flames of Atoma
06. Astray in the Stratosphere
07. Blasted by the Atomic Eye
08. Invisible Menace
09. Video Springs a Trap
10. Menace of the Mystery Metal
11. Weapon of Destruction
12. Robot Rocket
13. Mystery of Station X
14. Vengeance of Vultura
15. Video vs. Vultura