Collection of 123 Classic Children's Stories (2 x mp3 CD)

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Collection is presented over 2 x mp3 CD's. All neatly labelled and presented as shown. Please ensure your device is capable of playing mp3 CD's before purchasing.

Disc 1

101 Dalmations
As I Was Going To St. Ives
Boy In The Paperboat, The
Bugs Bunny and Aladdin's Lamp
Bugs Bunny Meets Elmer Fudd
Bugs Bunny meets Hiawatha
Captain Beaky
Chicken Licken
Cinderella (Version 1)
Daffy Ducks Feathered Friends
Diana and the Golden Apples
Dinky Pinky the Elephant
Disney's Dumbo
El Torito, The Little Bull
Flick, The Fire Engine
Fool and the Flying Ship, The
Foolish Koala, The
Fox in Socks
Gerald Mc Boing Boing
Gingerbread Man, The
Golden Goose, The
Golden Palomino, The
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Version 1)
Gossamer Wump
Great Big Story, The
Green Eggs and Ham
Grimm's Fairy Tale
Hansel and Gretel (Version 1)
Hinemoa and Tuanekai
Hopalong Cassidy and The Haunted Goldmine
Hopalong Cassidy and The Story of Topper
House that Jack Built, The
How Much is that Doggy in the Window
Jack and the Beanstalk (Version 1)
Jungle Book, The
King Midas
King's New Clothes, The
Little Engine that Could, The
Little Fiddle, The
Little Mermaid, The
Little Red Engine, The
Little Red Hen, The
Little Red Riding Hood (Version 1)
Little Toot (Version 1)

Disc 2

Little Tune That Ran Away, The
Little White Duck
Littlest Angel, The
Magic Porridge Pot, The
Magic Toy Shop, The
Maxi the Taxi
Molly Whuppie
Night Before Christmas, The (Version 1)
Night the Animals Talked, The
Noisy Eater, The
Nursery Rhymes (Version 1)
Nursery Rhymes (Version 2)
Old Lady and the Pig, The
Old Macdonald had a Farm
Old Mother Hubbard
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Owl and the Pussy Cat, The
Peer Gynt's Adventure in the Hall of the Mountain King
Peter and the Wolf (Version 1)
Pied Piper
Pinocchio (Version 1)
Pobble Who Has No Toes, The
Princess and the Pea, The
Puff and Toot
Puss In Boots
Quangle Wangel's Hat, The
Rainbow Fish, The
Rob Roy
Rumplestiltskin (Version 1)
Sally on Island
Sally Saves Cristmas
Shoemaker and the Elves, The
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White (Version 1)
Sparky and The Talking Train
Sparky's Magic Piano
Story of Robin Hood, The
Tale of Jemima Puddleduck, The
Tales of Uncle Remus - Running Away
Thomas the Tank Engine - Henry and the Elephant
Thomas the Tank Engine - The Trouble With Mud
Thomas the Tank Engine - Train Stops Play
Three Billy Goats Gruff, The (Version 1)
Three Little Kittens
Three Little Pigs, The (Version 1)
Tongue Twisters (Version 1)
Too Many Daves
Tortoise and the Hare, The
Treasure Island
Trojan Horse, The
Tubby the Tuba
Ugly Duckling, The
Waltz of the Flowers
What Was I Scared Of
Winnie The Pooh and the Hefalump
Winnie the Pooh and The Honey Tree
Woody Wood Pecker in Mixed-up Land
You Are Old Father William

Format: 2 x mp3 CD.

Contained in: Transparent Plastic Wallets.